Experiencing Freedom from Within

My name is Amanda Dowell and I am a certified EFT practitioner and an interior designer. I am passionate about sharing the tools I have learned along the way and helping others heal from past hurts and step into a new and more vibrant life. EFT has helped me tremendously and I believe it is a gift I can pass on to you. If you are interested in learning more about this powerful technique you can read about it here, or book a session. 

I also started a blog, believe it or not.

I have never written a blog before but I guess we all need to start somewhere. Unless you are a very fortunate soul, you have experienced procrastination before like me. I have been wanting to write for several years now but certain fears rear their heads. It gets uncomfortable. Oh, I need to clean the house instead. I need to go grocery shopping. Maybe I don’t know how to write and people will judge me. No one will read this anyway so what’s the point. What IS the point Amanda? Yes, perhaps no one will read this. But what matters is that you are doing it. We shouldn’t hold back in life because of fear. That is exactly the moment that we should charge forward with our heads held high. Let’s not miss out on life because we worry what others think. I believe that if we move forward in action and do what is on our hearts, take that step towards the thing that nudges us, take a step towards that dream, or even simple action (writing a blog, taking a dance class, going back to school, baking, going out in public and getting off our couch) the heavens open up and God embraces us. We can experience a state of flow and it may be uncomfortable, but we can learn to act anyway. We can experience what truly living is like instead of sitting on the side line. In this blog I will be exploring things that hold us back such as fear, comparison and doubt. As an interior designer I love learning about how our environment affects us, so a large part of this blog will consist of creative content and how we can change our surroundings to change our lives. Each one of us has the ability to shape our lives. I will teach you how to get unstuck and how to move forward in love and confidence. I do hope you will join me and take your healing into your own hands. Are you ready?

In the blog we will explore topics related to:

-our surroundings and how they affect us

-how you can change your environment to change your life (this includes your inner environment as well)

-what is happening inside of our brains and how our subconscious may be holding us back from success and happiness

-some practical techniques and tips that can provide healing and greater creativity.

This blog is for you if you want to:

-open yourself up to new and fast ways of healing

-explore latest design research and findings in a practical way that you can apply to your life

-feel inspired and more creative

-learn more about energy techniques and how to use them to your benefit

-expand your design business and increase prosperity

-become an overall happier and healthier human being

Let’s begin!